Early Patterns 

[ Compilation | 10 tracks | 2023 ]

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Aimed to define and conclude a creative era, Early Patterns (works 2021-2023) compiles my very first -released & unreleased- works on electronic ambient music.  

Back in 2022, life brought me the chance to start working for other artists projects, which has kept me focus on my producer career for almost two years. However, from time to time, I used the very few time I had left to work on new ETHR material.

During this period (2022 til' mid 2023) and very little by little, four new tracks Spectacular Refraction, Impossible Mirror Room, A Noisy Journey and soma, started taking form. By the end of 2023 and still without any release project in mind for them, I suddenly noticed on a train ride that they just were a natural prolongation of my previous works, Orbital Mechanics and Alta Conciencia, specially considering they all shared a common compositional method and approach. 

So in just a second, and considering I always loved the idea to make an album, I understood I had to put out this compilation which helped me conclude an era. I heavily felt only this exercise would allow me to feel confortable giving birth to my upcoming projects (which play wit different forms & textures) without feeling I was leaving some good tracks abandoned in a drawer. 

Summing up, still contrasting melodic sequences (Patterns) typical of minimalism, with droney bass lines, these Early tracks are finally together in one same album.

Among the new ones, "Impossible Mirror Room", is a good but somehow fresh example of this continued approach. A polyrhythmic piece in which different layers of acoustic piano and synthesizers converge crosswise to create a confusing, dark, enigmatic soundscape, like being on a mirror labrynth.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating all these tracks for over three years.


Composed, produced and mixed by:

Manu Torres (ETHR)

Mastered by:
Jaime Beltrán (La Resinera Estudio)

2023 © All rights reserved

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